Free 8 Week Chakra Meditation Series

February 13, 2019
7:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Every week at Firefly, we offer a FREE guided group meditation on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm. For the next 8 weeks, these meditations will have the central theme, described below. You can come to one week, all 8, or just whenever you can make it! Starting January 9th, we will be embarking on a journey of the 7 main chakras, followed by the 8th week of bringing it all together! Chakras (Sanskrit for “wheels”) are wheels of energy that start at the base of the spine all the way to the crown of the head. Each chakra has its own characteristics, stages of development, and can affect us in different ways. As we move through our lives having experiences, these energy centers can be affected by becoming stagnant or overactive. This can sometimes manifest in physical form with our health or the way we respond to certain situations. In this meditation series, we will explore our own chakras by meditating on the individual qualities of each. As we focus on these centers we will allow space for things to come into our awareness about ourselves giving you an opportunity to explore yourself in a unique and personal way. Led by Reiki Master Sarah Neighbors at 7:30pm on Wednesday evenings. The class is free so come join!

Firefly Yoga, 310 Main Street, Danville, VA 24541